Insight Counseling
Is Your Home Missing Technology Balance?

Is Your Home Missing Technology Balance?

Gaming, texting, blogging, cell phones, social games, Skype, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Tumblr, etc. How much technology is TOO MUCH?

Parents will learn:

  • To set and maintain reasonable and healthy limits to keep your teen safe and balanced in a technology-driven world.
  • To regain control over excessive media use & reestablish access as a “privilege”.
  • Why digital technology is so addictive and the internet so powerful.
  • When media and digital technology are becoming a problem.

Teens will learn:

  • How excessive media use has impacted their functioning at home, school, with friends, and family relationships.
  • How to better manage time and how to use other coping skills to reduce anxiety and boredom.

Please contact Insight Counseling, LLC for further information about this program and additional family services at 203-431-9726 or email