The PARENT Group

The PARENT Group

The PARENT Group 

Saturday Mornings:  Groups are forming NOW for 2016!  Call and Register TODAY!

The PARENT Group for Parents and Guardians of Teens & Young Adults

  • PARENTS can work together to develop more effective strategies to respond to their teenagers/ young adults addictive behaviors. 
  • PARENTS can focus on quality of life for the whole family and build motivation to make changes even though it is very difficult. 
  • PARENTS can use the support of the group to learn more about skills of acceptance, validation, and self-soothing for themselves and their child. 
  • PARENTS can take time for themselves to process emotions related to their concerns and map out personal goals to do what works. 
  • PARENTS can learn to think dialectically (balancing opposing forces) and improve communication and reduce stressful interactions.

For more information, please see flyer below.  SHARE with other Parents, too.
